The first matchmaking company in the Netherlands for professional foreign and Japanese
men who are interested in dating professional Japanese women
On-line dating gives you a lot of chances to view attractive profiles. You might have wondered how many of them are real and seriously looking for a relationship? Aren’t you tired of on-line dating? How many times do you have to go on a date with different people to find the right person? Free is just worth free.
All candidates are interviewed extensively to create an accurate profile. In this way we can also make sure they are real people looking for love!
After the interview, the potential matches will be introduced to you. When both of you are interested each other, online date is set up. If you find connection, you can have more time to get to know each other.
We are also able to introduce members from other matchmakers around the world as we are a member of ATOMOS Japanese International Matchmakers’ Association and Ryoen Net and have many partner matchmaking companies in Singapore and Japan.
If you are looking for a serious relationship, please contact us!